Sonatest PRISMA 16:64 TOFD Phased Array Flaw Detector
The Sonatest PRISMA 16:64 TOFD is part of the new generation of phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) flaw detectors manufactured by Sonatest. The Sonatest PRISMA 16:64 flaw detector is designed with a capacity for 65 MHz digitizing, a 200 kHz-14 MHz bandwidth, and comes with a modular design. The Sonatest PRISMA 16:64 PAUT represents the following persistent traditions: innovative technology, advanced processes, small size, lightweight, powerful functions and easy operation.
Phased array techniques allow the user to control parameters such as beam angle and focal distance to create an image of the test part; enhancing defect detection and speed of testing. In addition, using the latest computer technology, data can be permanently recorded for processing and report generation. The Sonatest PRISMA 16:64 PAUT’s robust design, intuitive user interface and extensive online help brings the power of phased array to the field-based technician. Typical applications include weld inspection, corrosion mapping, aerospace, and composite testing.