3M Dynatel 2273 Pipe / Cable / Fault Locator
The 3M Dynatel 2273 is a pipe, cable and fault locator with four active trace settings designed for use both individually or jointly to adapt to field conditions. This Dynatel pipe locator features a microprocessor-based system that utilizes advanced digital signal processing to swiftly and efficiently determine the location of sheath faults and trace the paths of both fiber optic and copper underground cables. With the press of a button, users can measure cable or sonde depth, the cable’s signal current, the location of cable breaks, and whether faults are light or heavy. The four active frequencies available with the 2273 3M Dynatel pipe locator are as follows: cathodic protection, CATV, passive frequencies for power, and auxiliary frequencies for long-distance locating from remote transmitters. 3M Dynatel 2273 locators also allow for the toning of aerial cable, direct readout from the active duct probe, and cable/pair identification.
- Four operator-selectable frequencies
- Simultaneous signals
- Fault-locate/cable-locate signals applied simultaneously
- Built-in ohmmeter with voltage sensing/measuring capability
- Three signal application methods (direct connect, coupler, induction)
- Auto load matching
- High and normal output level