Purpose: To document and implement programs for the maintenance of all Protection Systems affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES) so that these Protection Systems are kept in working order.
- Transmission Owner
- Generator Owner
- Distribution Provider
1. Each Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, and Distribution Provider shall establish a Protection System Maintenance Program (PSMP) for its Protection Systems.
The PSMP shall:
- Identify which maintenance method (time-based, performance-based per PRC-005 Attachment A, or a combination) is used to address each Protection System Component Type. All batteries associated with the station dc supply Component Type of a Protection System shall be included in a time-based program
- Include the applicable monitored Component attributes applied to each Protection System Component Type consistent with the maintenance intervals where monitoring is used to extend the maintenance intervals beyond those specified for unmonitored Protection System Components.
2. Each Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, and Distribution Provider that uses performance-based maintenance intervals in its PSMP shall follow the procedure established in PRC-005 Attachment A to establish and maintain its performance-based intervals.
Each Transmission Owner, Generator Owner and Distribution Provider shall have a documented Protection System Maintenance Program in accordance with Requirement
1. For each Protection System Component Type, the documentation shall include the type of maintenance method applied (time-based, performance-based, or a combination of these maintenance methods), and shall include all batteries associated with the station dc supply Component Types in a time-based program. For Component Types that use monitoring to extend the maintenance intervals, the responsible entity(s) shall have evidence for each protection Component Type (such as manufacturer’s specifications or engineering drawings) of the appropriate monitored Component attributes.
2. Each Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, and Distribution Provider that uses performance-based maintenance intervals shall have evidence that its current performance-based maintenance program(s) is in accordance with Requirement 2, which may include but is not limited to Component lists, dated maintenance records, and dated analysis records and results.
Standard PRC-005-2 — Protection System Maintenance