Purpose: To ensure all transmission and generation Protection Systems affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES) are maintained and tested.
- Transmission Owner.
- Generator Owner.
- Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System.
Effective Date: In those jurisdictions where regulatory approval is required, all requirements become effective upon approval. In those jurisdictions where no regulatory approval is required, all requirements become effective upon Board of Trustee’s adoption or as otherwise made effective pursuant to the laws applicable to such ERO governmental authorities.
1. Each Transmission Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System and each Generator Owner that owns a generation or generator interconnection Facility Protection System shall have a Protection System maintenance and testing program for Protection Systems that affect the reliability of the BES. The program shall include:
Maintenance and testing intervals and their basis.
Summary of maintenance and testing procedures.
2. Each Transmission Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System and each Generator Owner that owns a generation or generator interconnection Facility Protection System shall provide documentation of its Protection System maintenance and testing program and the implementation of that program to its Regional Entity on request (within 30 calendar days). The documentation of the program implementation shall include:
Evidence Protection System devices were maintained and tested within the defined intervals.
Date each Protection System device was last tested/maintained.
1. Each Transmission Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System and each Generator Owner that owns a generation or generator interconnection Facility Protection System that affects the reliability of the BES, shall have an associated Protection System maintenance and testing program as defined in Requirement 1.
2. Each Transmission Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System and each Generator Owner that owns a generation or generator interconnection Facility Protection System that affects the reliability of the BES, shall have evidence it provided documentation of its associated Protection System maintenance and testing program and the implementation of its program as defined in Requirement 2.