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Megger TORKEL 900 Battery Load Unit

The Megger TORKEL 900 series is used to perform load/discharge testing which is the only way to determine battery systems actual capacity. Together with the optional cell voltage logger, BVM, connected directly to the TORKEL 900, it becomes a complete, stand-alone, discharge test system.

TORKEL 930 is used for battery systems ranging from 12 to 300 V, often encountered in switchgear and similar equipment. The high discharge capacity of TORKEL gives the opportunity to shorten the test time. Discharging can take place at up to 220 A, and if higher current is needed, two or more TORKEL units or extra load units, TXL, can be linked together. Tests can be conducted at constant current, constant power, constant resistance or in accordance with a pre-selected load profile.

Testing can also be carried out without disconnecting the battery from the equipment it serves. Via a DC clamp-on probe, TORKEL measures the total battery current while regulating it at a constant level. Battery systems can be plus or minus grounded or free floating. TORKEL 910 is very much the same as the TORKEL 930 but has lower charging current and some other limitations, see table below.

Current (max) 110 A 220 A
BVM functionality No Yes
Charging measurement No Yes
Full report functionality No Yes

Product Info
  • Batteries can be tested in service
  • Dynamic discharge technology – full power at all voltages
  • Safety in all details, e.g. detection of blocked airflow
  • Real time monitoring during test
  • Quick report
  • Easily expandable for larger battery banks using TXL extra load units
  • BVM cell monitor control integrated in the system