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Megger EVCC300 Battery Charger Tester
- Checks mode 2 and single phase mode 3 (level 1 and two phase level 2) chargers
- Checks chargers with SAE J1772 Type 1 and Type 2 connectors
- Performs four EV charger safety checks

Keysight SL1047A EV Charger Tester | 900 kW
- Automated functional, conformance, interoperability, and quality testing for R&D and end-of-line (EOL) applications
- Time synchronous measurement and decoding of communication and power signals
- Scalable and future-proof hardware design according to CharIN e.V. CCS Test System

Keysight SL1040A EVSE Charger Tester | 400 kW
- Covers automated functional, conformance, interoperability, and quality test for R&D, end-of-line (EOL) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) applications
- Perform time synchronous measurement as well as decode communication and power signals
- Ensure scalability and futureproof your hardware design according to CharIN e.V. CCS Test System

Keysight SL1550A
- Automate RFID swiping and push button interaction (physical buttons or touch-based UI)
- Up to five actuators are supported
- External mode (remote control via host PC)

Tesco T4350 EVSE Test System
- EVSE test system
- DC current capabilities up to 350 A
- Integrated GPS system

Tesco TS400 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE) Test System
- Uses EVSE Connector J1772:201602 (18KW AC; 75KW DC)
- Inlets: Tesla, CHAdeMo, CCS1
- Easy to use - select a site and press "test"