ANSI C63.4: American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from...
Standard Overview
ANSI C63.4 describes the United States standard procedures for measuring RF signals and noise generated by electronic and electrical instruments over the frequency range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz. ANSI C63.4 does not include either generic or product-specific emission limits. The specifications within ANSI C63.4 are harmonized with separate national and international standards utilized with similar intent. ANSI C63.4 is designed to standardize the implementation of emissions testing concerning compliance requirements intended to protect communications services. The standard can be applied to the emissions monitoring of a variety of devices, including both stand-alone units and interconnected units. Notwithstanding other possible uses, this standard is intended to be used for making emission measurements of unintentional radiators (including digital devices and receivers) and for making emission measurements of the digital device portions contained in or used in intentional radiators.
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Products Used in Testing

PMM 9010 | 10 Hz – 30 MHz
- The marker is a very powerful feature, providing an easy-to-read frequency/amplitude value through a simple knob rotation in the window span
- Pre-loaded limits for sweep mode are stored in a nonvolatile memory, providing for CISPR Compliance
- Simultaneous detectors, QP-PK-AVGRMS, for time-coherent measurements, provide parallel indications at every frequency value in the range

Rohde & Schwarz ESW44 | 1 Hz – 44 GHz
- Standard-compliant EMI measurements in spectrum analyzer mode
- RF performance that meets exacting demands
- Exceptionally wide dynamic range

Keysight N9038A-526 | 3 Hz – 26.5 GHz
- DC frequency range 20 Hz to 26.5 GHz
- AC frequency range 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
- CISPR bandwidth 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, and 1 MHz (MIL-STD and bandwidths incremented in 10% steps)

PMM 9010F | 10 Hz – 30 MHz
- The frequency range of the base PMM-9010F system can be extended to 18Ghz with the addition of the PMM 9030, 9060 and 9180 modules described in more detail below
- Frequency range: 10 Hz – 30 MHz, expandable to 3/6/18 GHz by the external modules 9030, 9060, 9180
- Very low noise floor: < -24 dBµV in band A, < -7 dBµV in band B

Related ANSI/IEEE Standards
Explore All StandardsANSI C62.45: Guide On Surge Testing For Equipment Connected To Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits
ANSI C62.45 lists procedures for the performance of surge testing on electrical and electronic equipment connected to low-voltage AC power circuits, specifically using the recommended test waveforms defined in IEEE Std C62.41.2-2002. Nevertheless, these recommendations apply to any surge testing, regardless of the specific surges that may be applied. ANSI C62.45, the third document in a Trilogy of three IEEE standards addressing surges in low voltage ac power circuits, focuses on test procedures, using representative surge waveforms developed based on the two other documents of the Trilogy. There are no specific models that are representative of all surge environments; the complexities of the real world need to be simplified to produce a manageable set of standard surge tests. To this end, a surge environment classification scheme is presented in IEEE Std C62.41.2-2002.
Table 1: Summary of applicable standard and additional surge testing waveforms for Location Categories A, B, and C (Scenario I only) and for Scenario II
Scenario I
Surges impringing upon the structure from the outside and generated within
Scenario II
Direct lightning flash
Location Category
100 kHz Ring Wave
Combination Wave
Separate Voltage/Current
5/50 ns EFT Burst
10/1000 μs
Inductive Coupling
Direct Coupling
Category B Ring Wave
Case-by-case assesment
C Low
C High
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ANSI C63.2: American National Standard For Specifications Of Electromagnetic Interference And Field
ANSI C63.2 lists requirements for measuring instruments used for electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurements are provided, involving quasi-peak, peak, and average detection in the frequency range 9 kHz to 40 GHz. ANSI C63.2 specifies requirements for measuring receivers [i.e., electromagnetic interference (EMI) receivers and spectrum analyzers with and without preselection] used for radiated and conducted emission measurements. Specifications relate to the measuring equipment only, not transducers like antennas, line impedance stabilization networks (LISNs), or current probes. ANSI C63.2 has been prepared to consolidate the applicable requirements found in CISPR 16-1-1:2010 as well as ANSI C63.2 into one standard to provide a harmonized set of specifications such that the same instrument can be used for measurements in accordance with national and international standards. Additional requirements have been added to address domestic measurement needs as well as requirements for the frequency range 18 GHz to 40 GHz.
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ANSI C63.16: American National Standard Guide For Electrostatic Discharge Test Methodologies And...
ANSI C63.16 elucidates explanations, best practices, and guidance for avoiding the pitfalls associated with electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing to IEC and other international standards. ESD standards are provided and should be considered a supplement to these standards, rather than a replacement. Unique ESD test procedures related to connecting charged peripherals to equipment in use are also included.
ANSI C63.16 Foreword
This standard for performing electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing incorporates the latest research in ESD waveform characterization and strives to ensure product quality through proper operation in actual equipment installations. The discharge source is based on the hand/metal model: discharges from a human with an intervening metal object between the hand and point of contact. The modes of contact discharge and air discharge are specified, as well as direct (on the product) and indirect (near the product) discharge points.
One of the primary goals of this standard will be to address the deficiencies in existing ESD standards, including IEC 61000-4-2. Existing ESD standards were written based on the state of the art in measurement technology and the industry’s understanding of the ESD phenomena at the time, and they have done much to improve the immunity of electronic devices to ESD.
The variation of human-metal ESD is large over typical voltage arc length ranges and differs from furniture ESD or human-skin ESD. The problem of finding a waveform that provides a reasonable level of product protection is difficult and leads to a compromise. For example, a present requirement of IEC 61000-4-2 is a 0.7 to 1 ns rise time, which is slower than many actual ESD events. Faster rise times like 200 ps will cover more of the very often occurring low voltage ESDs and the fast-rising high voltage ESDs (usually in very dry air), but it may be too fast compared to many ESDs above 4 kV in the moderately humid air. With contact
ANSI/IEEE C37.90: Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus
ANSI/IEEE C37.90 specifies standard service conditions, standard ratings, performance requirements, and testing requirements for relays and relay systems used to protect and control power apparatus. The standard establishes a common reproducible basis for designing and evaluating relays and relay systems. According to ANSI/IEEE C37.90, a relay system may include computer interface equipment and/or communications interface equipment, such as a carrier transmitter/receiver or audio tone equipment. ANSI/IEEE C37.90 does not cover relays designed primarily for industrial control, for switching communication or other low-level signals, or any other equipment not intended for control of power apparatus.
Retrieved from IHS 10-31-2013
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1: Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems...
The standard has two types of design tests for relays and relay systems that relate to the immunity of this equipment to repetitive electrical transients. IEEE C37.90.1 covers test generator characteristics, test waveforms, selection of equipment terminals on which tests are to be conducted, test procedures, criteria for acceptance and the documentation of test results. The tests are to be applied to any part of the relay system that can be exposed to conducted or coupled transients under normal installed operating conditions.
This standard establishes a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of relays and relay systems when subjected to repetitive transients on supply, signal, control, and communication lines or connections. This standard establishes that an evaluation is performed during both normal (non-tripped) and abnormal (tripped) relay operating conditions.
Retrieved from standardsforum 10-31-2013
ANSI/IEEE C62.41: IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits
ANSI/IEEE C62.41 specifies standard service conditions, standard ratings, performance requirements, and testing requirements for relays and relay systems used to protect and control power apparatus. According to ANSI/IEEE C62.41, a relay system may include computer interface equipment and/or communications interface equipment, such as a carrier transmitter/receiver or audio tone equipment. ANSI/IEEE C62.41 does not cover relays designed primarily for industrial control, for switching communication or other low-level signals, or any other equipment not intended for control of power apparatus.
ANSI/IEEE C95.1: Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency...
ANSI/IEEE C95.1:2019 offers safety limits for the protection of persons against the established adverse health effects of exposures to electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300 GHz are presented in this standard.
ANSI/IEEE C95.1:2019 sets these exposure limits as intended to apply generally to persons permitted in restricted environments and to the general public in unrestricted environments. These exposure limits are not intended to apply to the exposure of patients by or under the direction of physicians and medical professionals, as well as to the exposure of informed volunteers in medical or scientific research studies, and might not be protective with respect to the use of medical devices or implants.
Compliance with IEEE C95.1:2019
In 2019 the IEEE updated the exposure reference levels (ERL), previously called maximum permissible expose (MPE). The ERL for unrestricted tier (lower tier) remain the same as in IEEE Std C95.1:2005. But the upper tier whole-body exposure ERLs above 300 MHz are different from those in IEEE Std C95.1:2005 to maintain a consistent 5× factor between tiers and to harmonize with ICNIRP guidelines.
Per the chart below, the 2019 standard is significantly more stringent than the former 2005 standard, especially for frequencies above 2 GHz. As such, if you are using Narda Safety Test Solutions Shaped Response instruments that use the older IEEE C95.1:2005 “Shaping” for conducting RF Compliance measurements, you may exceed the ERL (MPE Limits) by a factor of two.
Narda Safety Test Solutions has a full line of “Shaped Response” instruments which complies with the IEEE C95.1:2019 exposure reference levels (ERL).
Previous IEEE C95.1:2005 Standard
The ANSI/IEEE C95.1:2019 test standard supersedes the previous C95.1:2005 standard.
ANSI/IEEE C95.1:2005 offers recommendations to prevent harmful effects in human beings exposed to electromagnetic fields