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Fiber Optic Inspection and Testing Basics Using ODM TTK 650 Kit

Fiber Optic Inspection and Testing Basics Using ODM TTK 650 Kit

Fiber optic testers inspect, splice, certify and troubleshoot fiber optic cabling and serve as essential tools for the maintenance of datacom networks. In a world dominated by fiber networks, ensuring fiber cables transmit light without loss is key to signal fidelity and demand for higher network speeds and wider bandwidths is ever-increasing.

Fiber optic cabling requires inspection and cleaning to guarantee the proper passage of light. Oil, dust and other contaminants may be deposited on fiber by a simple touch and distort the attenuation once a connection is made. Fiber inspection kits and optical power meters will verify the fiber is clean and ready to connect.

The ODM TTK 650 Test, Inspection and Cleaning Kit delivers powerful and portable fiber testing options at an affordable price. High-end hardware and software allows technicians to ensure industry-standard compliance with PASS/FAIL functionality for single mode fiber optic telecommunications systems.

 View Fiber Optic Inspection | Optical Power Meters