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Advanced Test Equipment Rentals (ATEC), a leading provider of electronic test and measurement equipment rentals, has added the Instruments for Industry (IFI) M406 Wideband Power Amplifier to its rental inventory. Designed to meet the safety requirements of the IEC-348 and Underwriters Laboratory of American Standards, this tetrode tube RF amplifier provides power output of 1000 Watts over a broad bandwidth from 10 kHz. to 220 MHz.

Features of the M406 include: linear, amplifies all forms of modulation; high power gain, drive with signal generator; no tuning, no bandswitching; fully protected, metered; system compatible, modular; operate into any load from open to short; flat response, 10kHz to 220MHz.

Applications include: MIL-STD-461/462, RTCA/DO-160, SAE Specifications, RFI/EMI Susceptibility testing, Bellcore testing, Broadband Communications, and more.