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Jill Berg of Advanced Test Equipment Corp has been selected for the 2015 Best of Business Award by the Small Business Community.

About Advanced Test Equipment CorP

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals is a worldwide test & measurement equipment rental company. Started in San Diego by Jim Berg in 1981. ATEC has grown substantially over the last few years and continues to increase its capabilities and add more to our large inventory for the EMC, Automotive, Electrical, communications and Material Science industries.

Jill Berg, President of ATEC since 2011, has 65 employees. She acknowledges the growth has been from extended skills, more inventory and a really great team!

About Small Business Community

Being in business sets people apart from most ordinary people and the Small Business Community is dedicated to helping others understand that running a business is an obtainable goal and that everyone should try their best at living their dreams.

The Small Business Community recognizes and awards business owners because they often do not receive the recognition they deserve. Business owners are role models for everyone whether they know it or not. Small Business Community 2015 Best of Business Award winners are a valuable asset to their community and exemplify what makes small businesses great.


The Small Business Community Association is dedicated to collecting and organizing information, training, and services that are vital to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone else that needs help running a business, operating a business, or wants to know how to start a business, or even implementing marketing and automation.

The mission of the Small Business Community is to promote a vibrant and growing small business community, support education that will preserve and extend the future of small business and use our gifts within the small business community to serve others for the betterment of our world.

The Small Business Community vision is to enthusiastically advance small businesses in three key areas:

1. Growth – To assure a vibrant and growing small business community, our goal is to introduce, engage and mature the next generation of small business owners.
2. Advocacy – We feel it is fundamental to support education and action outside the small business community that will preserve and extend the future of small businesses.
3. Compassion – We believe it is essential that we use our gifts within the small business community to serve others for the betterment of our communities and world.