ANSI/SCTE 81: Surge Withstand Test Procedure
This standard describes a procedure for subjecting a broadband device to surge conditions as specified in IEEE C62.411. Ports shall be tested in compliance with IEEE C62.41 Category B3 Combination Waveform or IEEE C62.41 Category A3 Ring Waveform as specified for the Device Under Test.
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Pulse Generator
The surge generator must be capable of producing the Ring Wave as specified by C62.41 Category A3 and the Combination Wave as specified by C62.41 Category B3. (one of the following or equivalent).
Coupling Filter
This device is used to isolate the AC power to the device being subjected to the surge. This allows all the surge energy to be directed to the DUT and not absorbed by the power system.
Digital Sampling Oscilloscope
This device is normally connected to the test connectors of the surge generator to monitor device performance.
Alternate Waveform Monitoring Equipment
Test probes can be used to directly monitor the surge waveforms applied to the DUT.
Power Supply: AC or DC, as required by the DUT