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- Integrated sensor and camera
- Greatly increased detection ability
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SIOS LSV 2500NG measuring system

Polytec VibroFlex Fiber Vibrometer Sensor Head
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Polytec RLV-5500 Rotational Laser Vibrometer
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- High resolution within expanded RPM range.

Polytec IVS-500 Industrial Vibration Sensor
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- Auto and remote focus for best signal level

Polytec VibroOne Laser Doppler Vibrometer
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- Easy setup and documentation with integrated HD+ camera

OMS LaserPoint LP01 Laser Doppler Vibrometer
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- No surface treatment required

OptoMET Nova-Remote-Sense SWIR Digital Laser Doppler Vibrometer
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Polytec VibroFlex Connect Laser Doppler Vibrometer
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- Synchronous output of displacement, velocity, and acceleration
- Large bandwidth from DC to 24 MHz, also upgradeable

Polytec PDV-100 Portable Digital Vibrometer
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- Battery-powered
- Remote, non-contact measurements

Polytec VibroFlex QTec Sensor Head
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- Make use of every quantum of light for unparalleled optical sensitivity
- High-fidelity data with no surface preparation − even dark, biological, or moving objects

SIOS LSV 120 NG measuring system

Polytec VibroFlex Neo Doppler Vibrometer
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Polytec VibroFlex Compact Sensor Head
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- Easy set-up and test documentation with integrated HD video camera
- Excellent optical sensitivity for best SNR on all surfaces

Polytec VibroGo Laser Vibrometer
- Study vibrations with laser precision in field and lab
- Easy to use, with touch screen and autofocus
- Wireless remote control from everywhere