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Tettex TTR 2796 Three Phase Transformer Turns Ratio Meter
- Fully automated measurement of turns ratio, voltage ratio, phase displacement, and excitation current.
- Better transformer excitation due to higher test voltage of 250V.
- Highest accuracy on the market - up to 0,03%.

Megger MTO250 Transformer Ohmmeter
- Capable of testing transformers up to 1000 MVA
- DC test current up to 50 A maximum
- Integrated demagnetisation feature

Megger TTR330 Three-Phase Transformer Turn Ratio Test Set
- Fully automatic operation (stand-alone or remote-control) with user interface via on-screen customizable test forms
- Integrated PowerDB ONBOARD allows for data analysis and trending while in the field without the use of an external computer
- Built-in USB port and optional USB printer allows for 8.5"x 11" test forms printing without the use of a laptop

Megger TTRU1 Handheld Transformer Turns Ratiometer
- 0.1 mA - 1 A
- 1-62.5 V AC
- Up to 50,000:1 with ±0.05% accuracy for ratios 0.8–1000

DV Power TRT63 Turns Ratio Tester Series
- Test voltages from 1 to 250 V AC
- Turns ratio range 0.8 – 50 000
- The best turns ratio accuracy of 0.03%

Vanguard Tri-Phase True Three Phase Automatic TTR
- Generates 3-phase transformer test voltage from single-phase AC or DC power input
- Capable of detecting 130 different 3-phase transformer types defined by ANSI, IEC, and Australian standards
- 3 test voltages: 8Vac, 40Vac, and 100Vac

Megger TTRU3 True 3 Phase Transformer Turns Ratiometer
- Guaranteed accuracy ±0.05% from -20°C to +50°C
- 3Ø test voltage - up to 250V
- 3Ø step up ratio (patent pending)

Tettex TTR2795 Transformer Turns Ratio Meter
- Fully automated measurement of turns ratio, voltage ratio, phase displacement and excitation current.
- Highest measurement accuracy in the industry of up to 0.03% makes the 2795 the perfect tool for preventive maintenance measurement.
- Build-in printer for quick test report generation and total prevention of data loss.

AEMC DTR 8510 Motor / Transformer Tester
- Ratio Testing: PT/VT from 0.8000:1 to 8000:1 and CT from 0.8000 to 1000.0 (Auto-Ranging)
- Tests performed by exciting the primary and reading the secondary; provides safer conditions for the operator on step-down transformers
- Continuity test indicates open or loose (high resistance) terminal connections

Megger 670600-1 Resonating Inductor
- Expands the range of capacitance and dissipation factor (PF) for DELTA 4000 units
- Hand-crank tuning wheel
- Core gap gauge that displays position of inductor core

Tettex 2293
- Multipurpose: winding resistance, turns ratio, dynamic resistance on tap changer, short circuit impedance, and more
- Resistance measurement made easy – simple one-time-connection system: Once connected will test all phases and windings
- Large 7" touch screen interface with full graphical test visualization

Vanguard ATRT-01B S2 TTR Transformer Turns Ratio Tester
- Stand-alone or computer-controlled
- Battery or AC powered
- Displays ratio from 0.8 - 15,000

DV Power DEM60C Three-Phase Transformer Demagnetizer
- Fully automatic demagnetization
- Demagnetization currents 5 mA – 60 A DC
- Demagnetization progress graph

AEMC DTR-8500 Digital Transformer Ratiometer
- Designed for Power Transformers, VTs, PTs and CTs
- Direct readings from 0.8000:1 to 1500.0:1
- Display Turns Ratio, Polarity and Excitation Current simultaneously

Megger MTO210 Transformer Ohmmeter
- Direct 2-channel digital reading allows for testing two windings at a time.
- Very fast discharge time.
- High-contrast, large alphanumeric displays can be seen in bright sunlight.

Raytech USA TR Mark III Three Phase Transformer Turns-Ratio Meter
- Automatic measurements of voltage, turns ratio, current, and phase displacement
- Easy one time hook up to the transformer
- Automatic test voltage range

Megger MWA330A 3-Phase Ratio and Winding Resistance Analyzer
- Combines TTR and resistance testing in one box - faster, more efficient testing
- 55% smaller, 40% lighter than individual instruments
- Only one set of leads required - lighter, smaller and less expensive

Megger DELTA 4000 Series 12 kV Insulation Diagnostic System
- Easy to use with automatic and manual operation
- Accurate and repeatable measurement results with high noise suppression for the most extreme conditions
- Lightweight, rugged two-piece design, with unit weights of 14 kg and 22 kg

Megger TTR100 Single Phase Handheld TTR
- Fully automatic; fast; easy-to-use; handheld; robust; lightweight
- Battery powered with power-saving and shutdown function
- Tests turns ratio, phase displacement, excitation current, winding resistance and polarity

OMICRON TESTRANO 600 Three-Phase Power Transformer Test System
- Powerful device (3x 33 A DC and 400 V AC)
- One setup for multiple tests, less reconnecting
- Three times faster testing

Megger TTR310 Three-Phase Transformer Ratio Test Set
- Fully automatic operation (either stand-alone or remote-control)
- Field upgradeable to a TTR330 or TTR320 without compromise to calibration
- Built-in RS-232 port and optional thermal spool-paper printer allows for printing of test results, while in the field, and without the use of an external computer

Megger TAU3 EXP
- Microsoft Excel export
- PowerDB import and export
- 10.1" industrial touch screen

Vanguard ATRT-03 S2 Three Phase Transformer Turns Ratio Tester
- Ratio range: 0.8 ¬ 15,000 : 1
- Can Detect 3-phase transformer types defined by ANSI, IEC, and Australian standards
- 8Vac, 40Vac, and 100Vac

Megger MTO330 Automated Six-Winding Transformer Ohmmeter
- One-time connection enables 4x faster setup and reduces safety risks by over 70%.
- Automated eight-terminal/six-winding measurement capability for efficiency.
- Compatible with Megger's three-phase TTR series using interchangeable leads.

Vanguard ATRT-01S3 Single phase TTR
- Standalone or computer-controlled
- Displays turns-ratio from 0.8-15,000:1
- Calculates turns-ratio percentage error