Keysight M8920A PXIe Radio Test Set, 100 kHz to 3.8/6 GHz
The Keysight M8920A PXIe Radio Test Set is designed to deliver the excellence you expect from a radio test system. The Keysight M8920A supports many formats by combining PXI hardware with application-specific software in a single flexible and scalable chassis, providing broad multi-format coverage for next-generation radio testing. With Keysight’s new Radio Test Measurement Application (N9093), you can access and control multiple instruments on one screen while viewing a variety of critical measurements at the same time. Digital 2-way radios being developed for MilCom and the public safety radio market bring new testing challenges and hurdles to overcome for manufacturers and depot testing; radio technologies are requiring wider bandwidths, higher frequencies, and multiple radio format capabilities; and field radios are a vital lifeline for warfighters, firefighters and peacekeepers. The Keysight M8920A is designed to meet these growing needs.