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Keysight 8720D Microwave Vector Network Analyzer 50 MHz - 20 GHz

The 8720D Microwave Vector Network Analyzer features a frequency range of 50 MHz to 20 GHz, a drastically faster processor compared to earlier versions, a built-in fast sweeping synthesized source, an integrated solid-state switching S-Parameter Test Set, Vector Receiver, Error Correction and the tuned receivers provide up to 105 dB dynamic range. The 8720D allows fast tests of microwave linear and nonlinear devices in both coaxial and non coaxial environments, such as waveguide, in-fixture, and on-wafer. With a relatively small foot-print compared to earlier network analyzers, the 8720D is perfect for cost-conscious engineers, short on bench space. It is perfect for R&D, manufacturing, or quality assurance.

Product Info
  • 50 MHz to 13.5, 20, or 40 GHz frequency coverage
  • New processor makes measurements and data transfers up to seven times faster
  • Fast-sweeping, built-in synthesized source
  • Integrated solid-state switching S-parameter test set
  • Vector receiver, error correction, time domain
  • Up to 105 dB dynamic range
  • 007 - Mechanical transfer switch for increased test port power and dynamic range
  • 010 - Time Domain
  • 012 - Direct access Receiver Configuration for improved S/N and sensitivity
  • 085 - High power system permits measurement at levels up to 20 watts (+43 dBM)
  • 089 - Adds Frequency Offset Mode for frequency translated measurements
  • 1D5 - High stability frequency reference
  • 400 - Adds fourth sampler and TRL Calibration firmware