Related Products

LeCroy WaveRunner 104MXi Oscilloscope
- 1 GHz Analog Bandwidth
- 5 GS/s per Channel (10 GS/s Max.)
- Long Capture Time with 12.5 Mpts/Ch memory

LeCroy WaveSurfer 104MXS-B Digital Oscilloscope 1 GHz

Agilent 1134A InfiniiMax 7 GHz Active Probe
- Supports differential and single-ended measurements
- Common mode rejection of the differential probe reduces the noise floor
- Flat frequency response to eliminate distortion

Keysight 16534A 2 GSa/s 2-Channel 500 MHz BW Digitizing Oscilloscope Module
- 500 MHz Bandwidth
- 2 Gsa/s sampling
- 2 channels

Keysight 16712A Timing Analysis Module 100 MHz / 500 MHz
- State and timing analysis through the same probe
- Capture up to 204, 128K deep channels simultaneously
- Refer to data sheet for more information

Keysight 16851A 34-Channel Portable Logic Analyzer
- Single-ended direct connect flying lead, Mictor and Soft Touch Pro
- Compatible with U4201A cable plus any 90-pin header probes
- Up to 128M deep memory

Fluke 190-502 | 500 MHz 5 GS/s 2 channel
- Up to four independent floating isolated inputs, up to 1000 V Up to 5 GS/s real time sampling (Depending on model and channels used)
- Deep memory: 10,000 points per trace waveform capture (scope mode)
- CAT III 1000 V/CAT IV 600 V safety rated instrument for industrial environments

Fluke 190 Series II ScopeMeter Test Tools
- Four electrically isolated inputs
- CAT III 1000 V / CAT IV 600 V safety rated
- Choose from 60 MHz, 100MHz, 200MHz or 500MHz bandwidth models

Fluke 196 2 Channel ScopeMeter
- Bandwidth: 100 MHz Dual Channel
- Sample Rate: 1.0 GS/s
- Inputs and Digitizers: 2 plus external / DMM input

Fluke 199 Two Channel Scope Meter | 2 Ch, 200 MHz
- Bandwidth of 200 MHz
- 2.5 GS/s maximum real-time sample rate
- 2 channel scope meter

Fluke 199B Two Channel Scope Meter 2 Ch, 200 MHz
- Dual-input – 200, 100 or 60 MHz bandwidth
- Up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling per input
- Connect-and-View™ automatic triggering and a full range of manual trigger modes

Fluke 199C
- Dual-input – 200, 100 or 60 MHz bandwidth
- Up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling per input
- Choice between a high-resolution color display (190C Series) or blackand-white display (190B Series)

Fluke 199C-S | 2 Ch, 200 MHz, 2.5 GS/s
- Dual-input - 200 MHz bandwidth
- Up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling per input
- High waveform resolution of 3,000 datapoints per channel

Tektronix 2230 Digital Storage Oscilloscope | 100 MHz, 20 MS/s
- Dual channel
- 100 MHz scope with digital storage
- Sampling rate 100 data words / horizontal div.

Tektronix 2236 Dual Trace Oscilloscope | 100 MHz
- Frequency
- Period
- Width

Tektronix 2246 4-Channel Oscilloscope
- DC Coupled
- Noise Reject Coupled
- HF Reject Coupled

Tektronix 2445 Oscilloscope 150 MHz
- Bright, Crisp Display With High Writing Rate
- Four Independent Channels
- 100 MHz Bandwidth With 2 ns/Div Time Base

Tektronix 2445A Analog Oscilloscope 150 MHz
- 150 MHz Bandwidth
- 2.33 ns Rise Time
- Auto Setup

Tektronix 2467B Analog Oscilloscope 400 MHz
- Vertical System Deflection Factor: 2 mV/div to 5V/div, (CH 1 and CH2). 100mV/div and 500 mV/div (CH3 and CH4) Frequency and Step Tr Response (-3 dB Bandwidth)/(Tr=0.35/BW) - BW/Rise Time:
- Deflection Factor: 2 mV/div to 5V/div, (CH 1 and CH2). 100mV/div and 500 mV/div (CH3 and CH4)
- Frequency and Step Tr Response (-3 dB Bandwidth)/(Tr=0.35/BW) - BW/Rise Time: 400 MHz/0.875 ns (≥ 5 mV/div), and 350 MHz/1 ns (2 mV/div)

Tektronix 3 Series MDO Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- 2 and 4 analog channel models
- 100 MHz, 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, 1 GHz bandwidth models
- Bandwidth is upgradable (up to 1 GHz)

Tektronix 5 Series MSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

Keysight 54815A Infiniium Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 1 Gs/s
- Windows-based user interface
- Built-in information system
- Color-grade persistence

Keysight 54845A Infiniium Oscilloscope 1.5 GHz, 8 GS/s
- Simple, analog-like front panel with Windows® GUI
- USB Test option with embedded MatLab
- Time correlation between 16700 logic analyzer and scope

LeCroy WaveRunner 620Zi Digital Oscilloscope
- 2 GHz bandwidth
- Up to 20 GS/s sample rate
- 12.1” touch screen display

Keysight 86100A Wide Trigger Bandwidth 12 GHz
- Bandwidth to 50 GHz
- 100 Mb/s to 12.5 Gb/s and beyond
- Built-in compliance tests

Keysight 86100D Wide Bandwidth Oscilloscope
- Optical
- Electrical

Fluke 99 Dual ScopeMeter 2 Ch, 50 MHz
- Continuity Beeper
- Current Probe Scaling

Tektronix CSA7404 Digital Oscilloscope 4 GHz, 5 GS/s
- Input Channels: 4
- Analog Bandwidth (-3 dB): 4 GHz
- Calculated Rise Time 100 mV/div to 1 V/div (Typical): 100 ps

Tektronix CSA803C Communications Signal Analyzer
- DC to 50 GHz with up to 12.5 GHz Trigger Bandwidth
- Design and Evaluation of Datacom/Telecom Components, Transceiver Subassemblies, and Transmission Systems.
- Fully Automatic Jitter, Noise, and Extinction Ratio Measurements

Keysight CX3324A Device Current Waveform Analyzer
- "Anywhere" zoom function
- Dual channel current sensor
- Wide bandwidth

LeCroy DA1855A Differential Amplifier
- DC to 100 MHz bandwidth
- 100000 to 1 CMRR
- Gain 1 or 10 state-of-the-art overdrive recovery

Yokogawa DL750 ScopeCorder 10 MS/s, 16 Channel, 8 Slots
- Integration of a High-Speed sampler (Oscilloscope) and Low-Speed sampler (Recorder) in a Single Unit
- Separate Memory Management for Each sampler
- High-Speed Sampling Triggered Only by Abnormal Events Occurring during Long-Term Observation (Low-Speed Sampling)

Yokogawa DL750P ScopeCorder
- 16 isolated analog inputs + 16 logic inputs
- Oscilloscope: 1 GW instantaneous display (GigaZoom)
- Chart Recorder: High resolution A4 thermal printer

Yokogawa DL850EV ScopeCorder Oscilloscope | Vehicle Edition
- Powerful mobile data acquisition recorder and oscilloscope
- Measure & analyze dynamic behavior of electromechanical systems
- Flexible modular inputs for voltage, current, sensors, and CAN/LIN bus

Yokogawa DL9140 Digital Oscilloscope 1 GHz 4 CH 5 GS/s
- Dot Density Display
- High Speed Response
- History Memory

Yokogawa DLM 2054 500 MHz 16 Ch Digital, 4 Ch Analog Oscilloscope
- Analog Input channels- 4
- Logic input- 8bit
- Maximum sampling rate- 2.5 GS/s (interleave ON)

Yokogawa DLM4000 MSO Series

Yokogawa DLM4058 500 MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 8-channel

Yokogawa DLM5058 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope | 500 MHz, 2.5 GS/s
- Mixed signal oscilloscope
- Frequency bandwidth of 500 MHz
- Maximum sampling rate of 2.5 GS/s

Tektronix DPO2014B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- FilterVu™ variable low-pass filter allows for removal of unwanted signal noise
- 29 automated measurements and FFT analysis for simplified waveform analysis

Tektronix DPO2024B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
- Wave Inspector® controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- FilterVu™ variable low-pass filter allows for removal of unwanted signal noise
- 29 automated measurements and FFT analysis for simplified waveform analysis

Tektronix DPO3054 Digital Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 2.5 GS/s
- Bandwidth: 500MHz
- Channels: 4
- Sample Rate: 2.5 GS/s

Tektronix DPO4104 1 GHz Digital Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 5 GS/s
- 1 GHz, 500, 350 MHz Bandwidth Models
- 2 and 4 Channel Models
- Sample Rates Up to 5 GS/s on All Channels

Tektronix DPO5034B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
- Wave inspector® controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- Suite of advanced triggers, with standard Visual Trigger and Search
- 53 automated measurements, selectable filtering, waveform math and FFT analysis

Tektronix DPO5104B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
- Wave inspector® controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- Suite of advanced triggers, with standard Visual Trigger and Search
- 53 automated measurements, selectable filtering, waveform math and FFT analysis

Tektronix DPO71604B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope, 16 GHz, 4 Ch, 50 GS/s
- Pinpoint Triggering – Minimize time spent trying to acquire problem signals for efficient troubleshooting and shortened debug time
- Signal Integrity, Jitter, and Timing Analysis
- Memory Bus Analysis and Debug

Tektronix DPO7254 Digital Oscilloscope 2.5 GHz, 4 CH
- Up to 40 GS/s Real-time Sample Rate on One Channel and up to 10 GS/s on All Four Channels
- Up to 500 Megasamples Record Length with MultiView Zoom™ Feature for Quick Navigation
- >250,000 wfms/s Maximum Waveform Capture Rate Up to 310,000 Waveforms per Second with FastFrame™ Segmented Memory Acquisition Mode

Tektronix DPO7354 Digital Oscilloscope | 3.5 GHz, 4 CH
- High bandwidth: 3.5 GHz
- Ultra-Fast sampling rate: 20 GS/s
- Four channels for simultaneous monitoring

Tektronix DPO7354C Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
- Pinpoint® Triggering provides flexible and high-performance triggering, with over 1400 combinations
- Visual Trigger and Search precisely qualifies triggers and finds unique events in complex waveforms
- Advanced Search and Mark to find specific events in the entire waveform

Tektronix DSA8300 Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope
- Very low time base jitter: 425 fs typical on up to 8 simultaneously acquired channels <100 fs on up to 6 channels with 82A04B phase reference module
- 425 fs typical on up to 8 simultaneously acquired channels
- <100 fs on up to 6 channels with 82A04B phase reference module

Keysight DSA91304A Infiniium High Performance Oscilloscope 13 GHz
- 13 GHz bandwidth
- 40 GSa/s on each of 4 analog channels
- Standard 50 Mpts memory per channel, upgradeable to industry leading 1 Gpts

Keysight DSAX92004A Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope 20 GHz
- 20 GHz true analog bandwidth, upgradable to 33 GHz
- 80 GSa/s sample rate 2 channels / 40 GSa/s sample rate 4 channels
- Industry deepest memory with up to 2 Gpts memory (50 Mpts per channel standard)

Keysight DSO5054A InfiniiVision Oscilloscope
- High resolution mode-12 bits of vertical resolution in real-time, single-shot mode.
- Help is at your fingertips-An embedded help system gives you quick answers if you don't understand a feature.
- Waveform math with FFT-Analysis functions include subtract, multiply, integrate, and differentiate, as well as Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT).

Keysight InfiniiVision DSO7104B Oscilloscope 1 GHz
- 100 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz and 1 GHz models
- Up to 4 GSa/s sample rate
- 2+16 & 4+16 Channel mixed signal (MSO) models

Keysight Infiniium DSO9104A-100 Oscilloscope
- Drag and drop measumeasurements
- Logic analyzer
- Waveform and listing windows

Keysight DSO9104H High-Definition Oscilloscope
- 1 GHz frequency range
- 100 Mpts memory
- 12 bits of resolution / 4096 quantization levels @ < 500 MHz

Teledyne LeCroy HDO4034 High Definition Oscilloscope 350 MHz, 2.5 GS/s
- 12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bit with enhanced resolution
- 350 MHz bandwidth
- Long Memory – up to 25 Mpts/Ch (50 Mpts interleaved)

Teledyne LeCroy HDO4104 High Definition Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 2.5 GS/s
- 12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bit with enhanced resolution
- 1 GHz bandwidth
- Long Memory – up to 25 Mpts/Ch (50 Mpts interleaved)

Teledyne LeCroy HDO6034 High Definition Oscilloscope 350 MHz, 2.5 GS/s
- 12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bits with enhanced resolution
- 350 MHz bandwidth
- Long Memory – up to 250 Mpts/Ch

LeCroy HDO6104A High Definition Oscilloscope
- 12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bits with enhanced resolution
- Up to 10 GS/s with Enhanced Sample Rate
- 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz bandwidths

Fluke i1010 AC/DC Current Clamp
- Battery-powered Hall-effect probe that extend the current ranges of Fluke tools, measuring DC current from 1 A to 1000 A and AC current from 1 A to 600A
- Provides accurate current reading without breaking the circuit
- Compatible with most Fluke multimeters

Keysight Infiniium S-Series Oscilloscopes
- 500 MHz to 8 GHz
- See the truest representation of your signal with the industry’s best signal integrity: 10-bit ADC, low noise front end, superior time base, signal processing in hardware, and responsive deep
- Meet your measurement challenges with the industry’s most advanced platform; 240 GB removable SSD, powerful motherboard, fast data offload, and capacitive touch screen

LeCroy Waverunner LT342 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 25 GS/s

Tektronix MDO3000 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes
- 2 and 4 analog channel models
- 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz, 200 MHz, 100 MHz bandwidth models
- Bandwidth is upgradable (up to 1 GHz)

Tektronix MDO32 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- 2 analog channel model
- 100 MHz, 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz bandwidth models
- Bandwidth is upgradable (up to 1 GHz)

Tektronix MDO4000B Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Series
- Spectral analysis Dedicated front-panel controls for commonly performed tasks Automated peak markers identify frequency and amplitude of spectrum peaks Manual markers
- Dedicated front-panel controls for commonly performed tasks
- Automated peak markers identify frequency and amplitude of spectrum peaks

Tektronix MDO4000C Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Series
- 4 analog channels
- 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz, and 200 MHz bandwidth models
- Bandwidth is upgradeable (up to 1 GHz)

Tektronix MDO4014-3 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4014B-3 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4054-3 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4054-6 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4054B-3 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4054B-6 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4104B-6 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- Mixed-domain analysis Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains

Tektronix MDO4104C Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
- 4 analog channels
- 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz, and 200 MHz bandwidth models
- Bandwidth is upgradeable (up to 1 GHz)

RIGOL MSO 7014 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Modern, flexible User Interface enabled with UltraVision II architecture and Phoenix Chipset
- High-quality analysis and visualization capabilities for embedded design, power analysis, serial decode, and RF applications
- Analyze critical signals with zone triggering, 7 instruments in 1, Enhanced FFTs, color grading, and histograms

Tektronix MSO2014B Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Wave Inspector® controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- FilterVu™ variable low-pass filter allows for removal of unwanted signal noise while still capturing high-frequency events
- 29 automated measurements, and FFT analysis for simplified waveform analysis

Tektronix MSO2024 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 200 MHz, 1 GS/s
- 200 MHz Bandwidth
- 4 Analog Channels
- 16 Digital Channels

Tektronix MSO22 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Compact, versatile oscilloscope for daily debug
- Intuitive touchscreen with simplified front panel
- Easy-to-use interface with comprehensive analysis for fast insight

Tektronix MSO24 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Compact, versatile oscilloscope for daily debug
- Intuitive touchscreen with simplified front panel
- Easy-to-use interface with comprehensive analysis for fast insight

Tektronix MSO3000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
- Wave Inspector® Controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- 29 automated measurements, and FFT analysis for simplified waveform analysis
- 16 digital channels (MSO series)

Tektronix MSO3014 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Up to 4 analog and 16 digital channels
- Digital phosphor display
- Complete set of triggers

Tektronix MSO4054 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 4 CH

Tektronix MSO4104 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope | 1 GHz, 4 CH

Tektronix MSO46 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- 13.3-inch HD display
- 6.1-inch (15.5 cm) deep bench-friendly footprint
- Any channel can show a waveform, spectrum, or both

Tektronix MSO5000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Series 10 GS/s, 16 Ch
- 2 GHz, 1 GHz, 500 MHz, and 350 MHz bandwidth models
- Up to 10 GS/s real-time sample rate on one or two channels and up to 5 GS/s on all four channels
- Up to 250 megapoint record length with MultiView zoom ™

Tektronix MSO5000B & DPO5000B Series Oscilloscopes
- Characterize signal parameters with a broad suite of standard measurement tools
- Advanced jitter and timing analysis characterizes signal integrity issues and their sources
- SignalVu software provides wideband spectral analysis and measurements, with options for audio, modulation, RF pulses, and settling time

RIGOL MSO5354 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- 350 MHz, 4 channel + 16 channel digital logic oscilloscope
- 8 GSa/s max sample rate
- Useful long memory

Tektronix MSO58 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 1 GHz
- TLP058 Logic Probes each provide 8 digital channels
- Serial Decode/Trigger support for key buses like I2C, SPI, USB 2.0, Ethernet, CAN, LIN, many others
- Automated compliance testing for Ethernet, USB 2.0, and Automotive Ethernet

Keysight MSO7104A 1 GHz, 4 GSa/s 16 Channel O-scope
- 1 GHz bandwidth
- 4 analog plus 16 digital channels
- 4 GSa/s sample rate

Tektronix MSO71254 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 12.5 GHz
- Superior Signal Integrity and Excellent Signal-to-Noise Ratio – Observe the truest representation of your waveform
- 5 GB/s Real-time Serial Trigger – Assures triggering on the first instance of a specified NRZ or 8b/10b pattern to allow isolation of pattern-dependent effects
- Search & Mark – Provides waveform pattern matching and software triggers for signals of interest

Tektronix MSO71254C Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Superior signal integrity and excellent signal-to-noise ratio – observe the truest representation of your waveform
- Pinpoint® triggering – minimize time spent trying to acquire problem signals for efficient troubleshooting and shortened debug time
- Visual Trigger – precisely qualify triggers and find unique events in complex waveforms

Tektronix MSO72304DX Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- High-speed serial industry standards compliance
- MultiView Zoom
- Low jitter noise floor and high vertical accuracy

Keysight MSO9404A Infiniium Oscilloscope, 4 GHz / 4 CH
- Engineered for the broadest measurement capability: 4 GHz bandwidth across all 4 analog channels ​4 analog channels +16 digital channels 20 GSa/s max. sample rat ​Standard 20 Mpts
- 4 GHz bandwidth across all 4 analog channels
- ​4 analog channels +16 digital channels

Keysight MSOV334A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- 33 GHz analog bandwidth
- 4 analog channels and 16 digital channels
- Up to 80 GSa/s sampling rate and 2 Gpts acquisition memory can provide more complete signal trace acquisition

Keysight InfiniiVision MSOX3054A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope | 500 MHz
- Fast update rate of 1,000,000 waveforms per second
- ​Integrated logic timing analyzer (MSO models, or upgrade with DSOX3MSO)
- Digital voltmeter (DVM) option with 3-digit voltage and 5-digit frequency counter measurements

Keysight MSOX3104A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope | 1 GHz
- MegaZoom IV smart memory technology
- Large 8.5-inch WVGA display
- Standard segmented memory

Keysight MXR608A Oscilloscope | 6 GHz, 8 ch
- Part of the Infiniium MXR-Series
- Bandwidth of 6 GHz
- 8 channels

Keysight N1000A DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe
- DCA-X platform consists of a mainframe and a wide variety of modules for flexible testing.
- The consistency and flexibility of the DCA-X series ensure high accuracy in any measurement.
- Supports today’s modules plus older, discontinued optical, electrical, and TDR modules to help protect your investment from obsolescence.

Keysight PA2203A IntegraVision Power Analyzer | 4 Channels, 3-Phase AC
- Operates like an oscilloscope, but makes measurements like a power analyzer
- Achieve 0.05% basic accuracy for superior measurement integrity
- The PA2201A comes with 2 power channels for single phase measurements and analysis; the PA2203 has 4 power channels for 3-phase measurement and analysis

Yokogawa PX8000 Precision Power Scope
- Transient power measurement and analysis
- Simultaneous power calculation
- Cycle-by-cycle power trend measurement

Keysight 83480A Digital Communications Analyzer
- Most accurate and repeatable extinction ratio measurement
- Highest measurement throughput
- Modular platform with 155 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s testing, including Gigabit Ethernet

Rohde & Schwarz RTE1000 Oscilloscopes
- Bandwidth: 200 MHz to 2 GHz
- Sample rate: 5 Gsample/s
- Max. memory depth: 200 Msample

Rohde & Schwarz RTO2000 Oscilloscopes
- Bandwidth frequency range of 600 MHz to 4 GHz and expandable up to 6 GHz
- Vertical resolution: up to 16-bit with HD mode option
- MSO: 16 digital channels

Wavecrest SIA 3000 Signal Integrity Analyzer
- Infiniband - Test to compliance on all channels simultaneously at speeds up to 4.5Gb/s per channel
- Rambus DRCG - Perform full DRCG validation in seconds
- Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ethernet - Test to compliance on all patterns and all channels simultaneously

Tektronix TAS250 Analog Oscilloscope | 50 MHz
- Has a frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) of 50 MHz
- Operates in a 0° to 40°C ambient environment
- Warm-up time of 20+ minutes

Tektronix TDP1000 High Voltage Differential Probe | 1 GHz
- 1 GHz probe bandwidth
- Selectable bandwidth-limiting filters
- Versatile DUT connectivity

Tektronix TDS2014B Digital Oscilloscope 100 MHz, 1 GS/s
- 100 MHz Bandwidths
- Sample Rates up to 1 GS/s Real-Time
- 4 Channels

Tektronix TDS3014C Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
- 100 MHz, 300 MHz, and 500 MHz bandwidth models
- 2 or 4 analog channel models
- Sample rates up to 5 GS/s real time on all channels

Tektronix TDS3032 Color Digital Storage Oscilloscope 300 MHz, 2.5Gs/s
- Bandwidth: 300MHz
- Channels: 2
- Sample Rate: 2.5GS/s

Tektronix TDS3052 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 5 GS/s
- Digital real-time sampling
- Digital phosphor display
- Advanced triggering

Tektronix TDS3052C Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 5 GS/s
- Digital real-time sampling
- Digital phosphor display
- Advanced triggering

Tektronix TDS3054 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 5 GS/s
- 4 Analog Channels at 500MHz / 5GS/s
- 21Automatic Measurements
- Full VGA Color LCD

Tektronix TDS3054B Digital Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 5 GS/s

Tektronix TDS360 Digitizing Oscilloscope 200 MHz , 1 GS/s
- Signal Acquisition System Bandwidth: 200 MHz Sample Rate: 1 GS/s on each channel Channels: two identical channels, each with invert function Sensitivity: 2 mV to 10 V/div (with
- Bandwidth: 200 MHz
- Sample Rate: 1 GS/s on each channel

Tektronix TDS420 Digitizing Oscilloscope
- Electrophysical and electromechanical system design
- 100 MS/s on all channels sample rate
- 150 MHz bandwidth

Tektronix TDS5054 4 Channel 500 MHz 5GSa/s Oscilloscope
- Intuitive User Interface for Easy Operation
- Small Footprint
- 10.4 in. (264 mm) Bright Display

Tektronix TDS5054B 4 Channel 500 MHz 5 GS/s Digital Oscilloscope
- 500 MHz Bandwidth Model
- 4 Channel Models
- 5 GS/s Sample Rate

Tektronix TDS684C Digital Real-Time Oscilloscope | 1 GHz, 4 Ch, 5 GS/s
- 1 GHz Bandwidth to work with the fastest signals in today’s digital designs
- 5 GS/s sample rate on all channels simultaneously for full bandwidth single-shot capture
- Histograms and measurement statistics to more fully characterize design performance

Tektronix TDS744A 4-Channel Digitizing Oscilloscope
- Measurement capability: AC/DC current 50 MHz bandwidth 50 amp peak pulse 10 mA/div sensitivity
- 50 MHz bandwidth
- 50 amp peak pulse

Tektronix TDS784D Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 1 GS/s
- 1 ns Peak Detect
- Channel Deskew
- Record Lengths to 8M Points

Tektronix TDS8200 Digital Sampling Oscilloscope
- True Differential Step Generator
- Signal Aquisition
- Reflected Rise Time Jitter

Tektronix THS720 Handheld Digital Oscilloscope 100 MHz, 500 MS/s

Tektronix THS730A Scope Meter
- Channels: 2
- Sensitivity: 5 mV to 50 V/div (to 500 V/div with 10X probe)
- Record Length: 2500 points

Keysight Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscopes
- Bandwidth up to 33 GHz
- Best eye hight measurement guaranteed with ultra-low oscilloscope
- 100 fs inherent jitter

LeCroy WavePro 7200 Oscilloscope | 2GHz ,10 GS/s
- 1, 2, and 3 GHz bandwidths
- 1 MO and 50 O input paths
- X- Stream powered technology

LeCroy WavePro 950 Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 4 GS/s
- 1 GHz Bandwidth
- x10 Gain to ÷10 Attenuation Range
- 10,000: 1 DC CMRR

LeCroy WavePro 960 Digital Oscilloscope 2 GHz
- Bandwidth: 2 GHz
- Max Sample Rate: 16 GS/s
- Acquisition Memory: Standard 1 Mpts-Optional 4-64 Mpts (1 Ch)

LeCroy WaveRunner 44Xi Digital Oscilloscope
- Great performance
- Big display/small footprint
- LeCroy WaveStream fast viewing mode

LeCroy WaveRunner 64 Xi Oscilloscope 600 MHz, 4 Ch
- Sequence Acquisition Mode to optimize capture, viewing, and understanding of events that are spaced far apart in time.
- Extensive pass/fail capability with multiple conditions and limits, and flexibility to choose the action that is enabled when the conditions are satisfied.
- Creation of user-customized measurement parameters or math functions using Excel, MATLAB, Mathcad or VBScripts.

LeCroy WM8300A Digital Oscilloscope 3 GHz, 20 GS/s
- High bandwidth from 3 GHz to 6 GHz
- Fast sampling speeds-to 20 GS/s on 4 channels
- Full sampling speed maintained over entire memory length

LeCroy WaveSurfer 454 Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 2 GS/s