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Keithley 617 Programmable Electrometer/Source

Digital Electrometer / Voltage Source w/ GPIB

Product Info
Range Resolution
200 mV 10 μV
2 V 100 μV
20 V 1 mV
200 V 10 mV
  • Input Voltage Burden: < 1mV except 3mV on 20mA range


Range Resolution
2 pA 100 aA
20 pA 1 fA
200 pA 10 fA
2 nA 100 fA
20 nA 1 pA
200 nA 10 pA
2 μA 100 pA
20 μA 1 nA
200 μA 10 nA
2 mA 100 nA
20 mA 1 μA
  • Input Voltage Burden: < 1mV except 3mV on 20mA range


Range Resolution
200 pC 10 fC
2 nC 100 fC
20 nC 1 pC


Range Resolution
2 k ohms 100 m ohms
20 k ohms 1 ohms
200 k ohms 10 ohms
2 M ohms 100 ohms
20 M ohms 1 k ohms
200 M ohms 10 k ohms
2 G ohms 100 k ohms
20 G ohms 1 M ohms
200 G ohms 10 M ohms
  • Maximum Open Circuit Voltage: 300VDC
  • V/I Mode: Used with V source; displays resistance (5 x 104 to 1016 ohms) calculated from measured current. V/I ohms accuracy equal to accuracy of V source plus accuracy of selected amps range


Voltage Source
  • Output: -102V to +102V in 50mV steps


  • Display: 4½-digit numeric LEDs with appropriate decimal point and polarity indication; signed two-digit alphanumeric exponent
  • Overrange Indication: Display reads "OL"
  • Ranging: Automatic or manual
  • Conversion Time: 330 ms
  • Data Store and Min/Max: 100-reading store capacity
  • Programs: Provide front panel access to IEEE address, choice of engineering units or scientific notation, and digital calibration
  • Maximum Input: 250V peak, DC to 60Hz sine wave
  • Input Connector: Two lug triaxial on rear panel
  • Output Connectors: 5-way binding posts on rear panel for V source, preamp, and analog outputs. Rear panel BNC for External Trigger and Meter Complete
  • 2V Analog Output
  • Preamp Output
  • Built-in V source
  • Full autoranging
  • Built-in IEEE-488 interface
  • Built-in V- ohms Guard
  • Resistance measurement from 0.1 ohms to >1016 ohms