Keithley 480 Picoammeter
The Model 480 is a 3½ digit Picoammeter that provides seven decade current ranges from 10-9 to 10 -3 ampere, with 100% overranging on all ranges. The instrument features include an input voltage burden of ≤ 200V, front panel zero check and adjustment, an analog output and automatic polarity indication of the input current.
Range | Maximum Reading | Accuracy | Analog Rise Time | Normal Mode Rejection Ration | Maximum Allowable Input |
1 nA | 1.999 | 0.8% + 4d | 70 ms | 70 db | 600 V |
10 nA | 19.99 | 0.8% + 3d | 70 ms | 70 db | 600 V |
100 nA | 199.9 | 0.5% + 3d | 7 ms | 60 db | 600 V |
1 µA | 1.999 | 0.5% + 3d | 7 ms | 60 db | 600 V |
10 µA | 19.99 | 0.5% + 3d | 4 ms | 50 db | 75 V |
100 µA | 199.9 | 0.5% + 3d | 1 ms | 50 db | 75 V |
1 mA | 1.999 | 0.5% + 3d | 1 ms | 50 db | 20 V |
- Maximum Transient Overload Voltage: 1000V for 3 seconds at 10 mA.
- Input Voltage Burden: Less than 200 µV.
- Settling Time at Display: Less than 1 second.
- Display: Four 0.5" LED digits with appropriate decimal point and polarity indications.
- Conversion Period: 400 milliseconds.
- Over-range Indication: Display blinks all zeros above 1999 counts.
- Maximum Common Mode Voltage: 30V rms, DC to 60 Hz sine wave.
- Analog Output Voltage: 1 volt = 1000 counts.
- Analog Output Resistance: 1000 ohms.
- Connectors: Input: BNC, Output: Banana Jacks.