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Gigatronics 1026 Frequency Synthesizer/Sweep Generator


50 MHz - 26 GHz Synthesized Sweeper

Product Info
Frequency Range 0.05 to 26 GHz
Resolution 1 MHz (1 kHz with Option 03)
Time Base (Internal) 10 MHz, <1 x 10¯6/year rate (<1 x 10¯9/day with Option 06)
Spectral Purity Harmonics, Subharmonics: <-55 dBc
RF Output Characteristics
Max. Leveled Output: +5 dBm
Accuracy: ± 1 dB to 18GHz; ± 2 dB to 26 GHz, 99 dB in 0.1 dB steps
Sweep Operation
Mode: Automatic recycle, single sweep or single step
Increments: selectable 1, 10 or 100 MHz
Frequency Counter - Measurement Characteristics
Mode: CW or Pulsed RF
Range: 100 MHz to max frequency of instrument
Sensitivity: typically -30 dBm
Resolution: Direct, 100 Hz; Offset, 10 Hz
Power Meter - Measurement Characteristics
Frequency: 50 MHz to 26 GHz
Range (External): -30 to +10 dBm
Resolution: 0.1 dB