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Teseq NSG 4070C-80 Test System for Conducted and Radiated Immunity
- IEC & Automotive standards
- 80W, 150kHz - 230MHz amplifier
- 4kHz - 1 GHz signal generator / power meter

EMC Partner MIL-MG3 Military Test System
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- One coupler for tests (CS115 & CS116)
- Test report data stored in MIL-MG3, accessible via USB or Ethernet

EMC Partner MIL3000 Military Test System
- Exceeds maximum test levels in MIL-STD-461
- One coupler for tests (CS115 & CS116)
- Test report data stored in MIL3000, accessible via USB or Ethernet

Bruel & Kjaer 8625 DC Load
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- Current: 0 - 720A
- Power: 6kW

Keysight N1912A P-Series Dual Channel Power Meter | 50 MHz - 18 GHz
- 30 MHz video bandwidth
- 100 Msamples per second
- Accuracy ±10 ppm

Keysight N1911A P-Series Single Channel Power Meter
- 50 MHz to 40 GHz
- <100 Msample/s per second
- Rise/Fall Time – ≤ 13 ns

Keysight E4417A EPM-P Series Dual-Channel Power Meter
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- -70 to +44 dBm
- 500 ns ± 100 ns

Franklin Electric CTU-6000 Battery Analyzer Kit
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- Conductance Range: 100 – 19,990 siemens
- Voltmeter Resolution: 5mV

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FLIR Gx320 Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) Camera
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- Detector Pitch of 30 μm
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Franklin Electric 5500 CELLTRON Battery Tester
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- Conductance Range: 100 – 19,990 siemens
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Ferret V016-01
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- Resolution: CO₂/O₂: 0.1-0.01%, HC/NOx: 1 ppm
- Accuracy: CO₂/O₂: ±0.5-0.1%, HC/NOx: ±10 ppm

High Voltage Inc. DBT Series
- 15kV - 300kV DC
- Benchtop DC Hipot Test System
- Adjustable Test Currents up to 10mA

Druck DPI610E Pressure Calibrator Series
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- Integral calibration record with calibration due countdown

Sorensen DLM40-15M DC Power Supply
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- No top or bottom clearance spacing required
- Remote control

Megger Baker AWA IV-4 Static Motor Analyzer | 4 kV
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- USB ports for data transfer and printing with Windows plug-and-play printers
- Wireless networking capability

Milmega AS0822-100 Broadband Amplifier, 800MHz - 2.2GHz, 100 Watts
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- IP3 typically 10 dB> P1 dB
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TSI P-Trak 8525 Ultrafine Particle Counter
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Larson Davis LXT1-QPR Sound Level Meter
- Type 1 Accuracy for Courtroom Traceability
- Large backlit display
- 30 Hours run-time on Energizer® e2® Lithium Batteries

ASCO LPC-100 Ultra-Compact, Portable Minuteman Load Bank 100 kW
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- Ultra-Compact, Portable, Easy to Transport and Operate
- Large Load Capacity – up to 100 KW

LeCroy WaveRunner 64 Xi Oscilloscope 600 MHz, 4 Ch
- Sequence Acquisition Mode to optimize capture, viewing, and understanding of events that are spaced far apart in time.
- Extensive pass/fail capability with multiple conditions and limits, and flexibility to choose the action that is enabled when the conditions are satisfied.
- Creation of user-customized measurement parameters or math functions using Excel, MATLAB, Mathcad or VBScripts.

Tenney T2 Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber
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- Vertical recirculation conditioning system

Yokogawa WT500 Precision Power Analyzer
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- Crest Factor set to 3: 15V, 30V, 60V, 100V, 150V, 300V, 600V, 1000V
- Crest Factor set to 6: 7.5V, 15V, 30V, 50V, 75V, 150V, 300V, 500V

Keysight 8481D Diode Power Sensor 10 MHz to 18 GHz
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- Compatible with EPM, EPM-P and P-series power meters, plus the E1416A
- Diode power sensing element

Ophir 5088 Broadband High Power RF Amplifier 0.01 MHz - 200 MHz
- 0.1 MHz - 200 MHz
- 600 W
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