Expensing to a Project & Tax Write-offs
Regardless of the size of your business, whether it’s a large corporation or small company, you have a budget in place and finite resources available for your project. ATEC customers are savvy, and have intuitive CFO’s that write-off the cost of rental equipment on their taxes. Equipment rentals are able to save time and money, and leave the capital budget "bucket" out.
Equipment failures, re-calibrations, excess projects – no matter how meticulous your plans were, sometimes emergencies happen and deals fall though. We understand that any extra time spent on a project comes at a cost. Purchasing replacement equipment is an option, but even if a manufacturer is fully stocked with what you need, they may not have the means to get equipment to you quickly. ATEC is able to get you the equipment you need fast, with next-day shipping. Local orders can even be delivered within an hour.
Avoid Capital Spending
The process of acquiring capital designated for equipment can be tedious, at best. A lot of signatures, justification, and time go into it. Our customers have been able to avoid capital acquisitions of test equipment simply by renting. Choosing to rent offers them flexibility to acquire the equipment they need when they need it, for as long as they need it, and with pricing options that suit both long and short-term rentals.
Project Schedule
By renting the equipment they need, ATEC customers have been able to start and complete projects ahead of schedule. The extra time has even enabled them to tack on additional projects they normally wouldn’t have the hours or money for (and it will make you look really good to your boss). |

Avoid Obsolescence & Depreciation
As technology continues to evolve at a break-neck pace, we’re seeing test and measurement equipment being replaced by newer models within 18 months. As opposed to facing staggering repair and replacement costs for equipment they own, customers come to ATEC in search of the latest technology options. Renting rules out the risk associated with buying an expensive piece of equipment that will become obsolete within a two-year window. |

Evaluate Equipment Pre-Purchase
The capital equipment acquisitions process can take weeks and up to several months to receive approval from upper management, leaving you in a bind if you need to test sooner rather than later. Some customers will rent equipment with a credit card – allowing them to start their work immediately, and buying them a “test run” to see if the equipment is worth purchasing down the line for other projects. It mitigates the risk of a future equipment purchase (which is a big price tag, so it’s better to be safe than sorry).
Maintenance Costs
Though often overlooked, maintenance costs begin to quickly accrue when ordering test equipment. Not surprisingly, frustration tends to pile on, too. At ATEC, we want to provide you with the highest quality equipment each time: which means we put in the overhead to repair, maintain, service, and calibrate our test equipment. In fact, when we took a look at our inventory history, we found that ATEC invests an additional 50% of the MSRP to maintain product integrity until it's time to upgrade with new technology. You reap the benefits of testing with top notch equipment, without having to make an expensive investment. At ATEC, you can rent confidently knowing that you’ll receive top quality, frequently serviced equipment, every time.